Di seguito il regolamento internazionale delle varie competizioni; ulteriori dettagli anche sul sito ufficiale della RoboCup Junior Italia
robots identify victims within re-created disaster scenarios, varying in complexity from line-following on a flat surface to negotiating paths through obstacles on uneven terrain
- Scarica il documento Rescue A Rules inglese/2014
!NOTE IMPORTANTI! Interpretazioni Autentiche Regole RESCUE A
- Scarica il documento Rescue B Rules inglese/2014
2-on-2 teams of autonomous mobile robots play in a highly dynamic environment, tracking a special light-emitting ball in an enclosed, landmarked field
- Scarica il documento Soccer Rules inglese/2014
one or more robots come together with music, dressed in costume and moving in creative harmony
- Scarica il documento Dance International Rules inglese/2014
RoboCupJunior General Rules
These are the official rules for RoboCupJunior 2014. These rules have priority over any translations.
- Team Size
Since RoboCupJunior embraces teamwork and collaboration among team members, a team should have more than one member to form a RoboCupJunior team to participate in the International event.
A team member(s) and/or robot(s) cannot be shared between teams.
- Robot Communication
Robots are not allowed to use any kind of communication during game play unless the communication between two robots is via bluetooth class 2 or class 3 (range shorter than 20 meters) or via ZigBee. Teams are responsible for their communication. The availability of frequencies cannot be guaranteed.